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WKAY Entry - Classification AbsoluteWEAPON



My Entry for :iconrendragonclaw: What Kaiju Are You? Contest.

Kaiju Classification AbsoluteWEAPON


Height 85 Meters (At Shoulders)


Length 200 Meters (Head to tip of tail)


Type Monstrous Avian


Origin Mutation from awakening from Slumber


Offensive Ability Temporarily Slow/Stop Time


Secondary Ability Energy Absorption/Redirection


Achilles Heel Certain Metal Alloys


Motivation Eradication of Human Race


First Location of Attack Tokyo, Japan


Resistance Impervious

This report has been written to provide insight and information on the most recent incident, including information leading up to the attack, and what we know of the targets abilities.

Contact was first made at Mount Takao.  Hikers had been going missing for a few months, and an expedition was dispatched after a rescue team had finally followed suit, with only one survivor stumbling back into the streets of Tokyo, half mad, rambling about a great Tengu asleep in the mountains.  While his claims of seeing a giant demon bird were dismissed as nonsense, there had been enough disturbances a closer look had to be taken, and humanity was not strangers to monsters. 

After three days of searching, they had found an unknown cave cluster, not recorded on any of the maps of the area.  In addition, their equipment was malfunctioning, with slow down distortion reported by operators keeping tabs on the team, and watches and other electronic devices no longer keeping track of time, being anywhere to a few minutes to an hour late. 

Approaching the inner levels of the caverns, they found a most alarming sight.  The chamber was massive, bigger than some buildings, with what looked to be ribs-like structures emerging from the ceiling.  At the base were a number of extremely large boulders of similar size and texture.  The team became quickly convinced they were in the nest of an ancient organism, perhaps the first signs of a GM in over 25 years.  This discovery was quickly cut off though as a soft glow was brought to their attention.  In the final chamber of the caverns, there was some kind of massive void.  It seemed to slowly expand and depress, wherever it touched it seemed as light would not enter.  Unsure of what it was, one of the team threw a rock at it, only to see it suspend as it entered, though the movement was not like entering a fluid or gel.  It seemed to simply slow to a stop until it vanished from sight.  Their sense of discovery was quickly replaced with dread, however, as something in the bubble began to move, resulting in it expanding outward.  Contact was lost as they transmitted the bubble was expanding.  The last sounds heard were that of some kind of echoed screech and the breaking of stone.

A short meeting a few hours later determined that there was a significant threat, with a mobilization of armed forced beginning, along with a low-key evacuation started at the Hachioji ward.  Their efforts, though, were too late, as our worst fears were realized. 

Contact from a Kaiju.

Erupting out of the side of Mount Takao was a massive creature, by our estimates to be about 200 meters long, and about 85 to 90 meters at where the neck met the body.  Its features were avian, its tail a long, constricting set of feathers, and a massive head with an imposing beak.  Its dark colors helped it blend into the night sky, though a strange, almost electric current through its feathers brightened it, as it screeched into the sky.  There was almost a sense of awe as it stared at the city, hypnotized by the lights as anyone on the streets were stunned to see this massive bird glaring out over them.

It was soon broken up by the suddenness of its attack.

With long legs, it could run with massive strides, reaching the city with what seemed like seconds.  As the military scrambled, they were baffled at its near instantaneous aggression displayed, kicking over buildings, grabbing trains and engulfing them like long metal worms, with primal ferocity.  Almost every documented Kaiju attack was almost always provoked one way or another, or met with smaller attacks as they seemed to try and drive us away from their perceived territory.  This creature, on the other hand, had no such reservations.  Worse, it seemed to be actively targeting people, watching for the motions of the small ants at its feet.  Our counterattack had to be swift and hard to bring down this monstrosity, or at least repel it for more time to bring online Anti-Kaiju weapons that have been mothballed for over two decades. 

What happened was both horrifying and humiliating.  

As our jets flew in, missiles took target, tanks unleashed their arsenal, we were baffled to see the creature avoid, and sidestep our assault, even moving at impossible speeds, each time accompanied by a burst of light through its body.  What did hit seemed to barely register, if even that.  What WAS this creature?

After devastating Hachioji, the Kaiju departed back to the mountains, clawing its way back into the hole it left upon waking up.  While we couldn’t fathom the reasons for its retreat, our military leaders and scientists wasted no time examining the situation and what we knew.

One thing that had been noticed constantly was nothing seemed to work properly around the Kaiju.  At first this was attributed to perhaps an electrical field it was giving off, but with the reports of the lost expedition into the mountains, and the ‘attack’ against it just now, one thing became abundantly clear.

Our technology was reacting slowly.  At first, we thought perhaps the Kaiju had some ability to exert energy to enhance its speed, but it seemed that it was quite the reverse.  Somehow, this Kaiju could expand a field to slow down everything around it. It was quickly hypothesized that the bubble the team had found was some form of stasis, allowing it to sleep through the ages unaffected by the passages of time.  What seemed to be a skeleton and eggs that were in the nearest chamber was most likely a mate that had died, perhaps from a lingering wound, and without the protection of the parent and its stasis field, the eggs fossilized long ago.  All of this led to the horrific realization that this Kaiju could wield time as a literal weapon as it attacked.  The Absolute Weapon.

While the reasons it was so aggressive against humans was unknown, it was clear traditional weaponry was not going to cut it, and it was far too close to Tokyo to use a nuclear option.  It was unclear how much of the Anti-Kaiju weaponry could be utilized, as many still used traditional munitions, just of a higher grade, but with the ability to slow time, projectiles didn’t seem to be much of an option.  Whilst costly, AMLs, or Amplified Microwave Lasers were decided were the best course of action, as even with the slow down, lasers move at the speed of light, and it could not defend against such an attack.

The Following Night, the attack was launched, as the creature seemed to have returned to sleep back in the mountain.  Using Rhenium Penetrator rounds to lure the creature out before its slow down began to activate.  The location benefited our attack as there was nothing the beast could use for cover on a mountain side, allowing a quick powerful onslaught of lasers, which as correctly predicted, hit without fail, lighting the beast up. 

 And then it retaliated. 

The various feathers extending around AbsoluteWEAPON’s tail began to glow vibrantly, and emitted its own energy beams back at our craft.  Each laser that hit it made the bird glow even brighter.  Worse, instruments began to operate even worse, as the field of the Slowdown was expanding.  A retreat was called for hastily, with an even worse knowledge learned.  It could feed off of energy.

With this attack, AbsoluteWEAPON was not holding back any more, as it began to march toward the heart of Tokyo.  A discovery was made in light of this latest fiasco, however that would help us turn the tide.  The Kaiju was wounded from that assault.  Seemingly, the Rhenium rounds were actually able to pierce its hide, and without a Pyrophoric effect, no direct explosion of energy, this may be able to used to bring it down.  Finally, there was a weapon against it.  Unfortunately, the stockpile of machined rounds of appropriate caliber was low.  Worse, it still suffered from having to be fired traditionally, and AbsoluteWEAPON can still utilize its Slowdown to avoid attack.  A workaround was devised, however.  The creature was highly aggressive and could likely be directed to a location, where pressure sensitive mines would be placed.  These mines would cripple or at least wound the Kaiju at its legs, and this should keep it pinned down to allow the military to lay into it with everything they had.  Pinning all their hopes on it, the rest of their forces were sent out to keep AbsoluteWEAPON distracted so the plan could be implemented, and curb as much of the damage as they can.

At dawn, the attack went into motion.  Military losses were high, but their sacrifice held out.  As AbsoluteWEAPON approached the Tokyo Tower, a slew of destruction in its wake, the first mine as activated, tearing through its ankles.  Stumbling in pain, it stepped on another, sending it to the ground.  No matter how much time it slowed, if it couldn’t move, it couldn’t get out of the way, so the attack was sprung.  A concentrated stream of artillery came down hard and fast, AbsoluteWEAPON desperately trying to defend itself with energy beams from its tail as best it can.  Despite the onslaught it was suffering, the Kaiju was unfortunately weathering the attack.

Struggling to its feet, clawing at buildings, AbsoluteWEAPON screeched with fury.  Its tail feathers unraveled, and expanded out.  Its glow rapidly flashing through its body, until at last it erupted into void.

Then it happened.  The Day Time Stood Still. 

A massive orb expanded from the beast, expanding over the city.  Shells stopped in mid air, planes stopped, radios fell silent.  The effects of Slowdown could be felt throughout much of Japan, but the worst of it was over Tokyo.  A solid black sphere engulfed the metropolis, of which nothing could enter, nothing could leave.   Any attempt to breach with surveillance was met a hard crash of our drones, and we dare not send any personnel through.  Our best guess was the creature released its Stasis Field in retaliation, similar to the one active to where it was hibernating.  We had guessed that perhaps it was utilizing this opportunity to flee, having sustained heavy damage in our assault.  As the field faded… We could not have imagined the devastation

The Stasis held the city in place, like a puppet on strings, allowing us to witness the destruction as time caught back up with it.  Tokyo was in ruins.  Much of the military force that was gathered was wreckage, casualties in the millions.  While the field froze everything else, AbsoluteWEAPON itself was perfectly capable of being active.  And it took the time in there to destroy everything it could reach. 

One bright spot was found at the center of the devastation however.  While this stasis field is clearly how the target was able to survive from pre-historic times, it had a massive drain on its energy resources, as it was an adaption for hibernation, not combat.  And after having retrofit our artillery with Rhenium rounds, AW’s energy reserves were low from trying to fight back.  So, in one final attack against us, it used up everything it had left, and now lay lifeless amongst the rubble. 

This attack has opened our eyes to the threat of future Kaiju, particularly ones that could not be handled with a mere application of force, with powers beyond even our current technology.  In order to face such future calamities in the future, we must study AbsoluteWEAPON, this data, and all resources collected from point of contact and the location of its demise, to discover the origins of this creature, and to be used so we are ready for any future attacks.

To this end, we recognize the risk, but propose future research into this field in a contained facility, of course, in hopes of harnessing this power for the greater good of humanity.  We request haste with your decision, because we stand on an unprecedented opportunity in Kaiju Research, because…


The Egg has started to open. 

So, here is my entry.  I wasn't quite sure how far we could bend all the notions of our rolls, though, I stuck to them.  He does have a single clawed arm, but clearly, he isn't meant to be something that can fly.  I decided based on the description of the Monstrous Avians in the first place, and this guy being Impervious, it would make sense to restrict him to the ground.  I also didn't want to write it from the monsters perspective, so the information as to why it wants to eradicate humanity is a bit more ambiguous, though the ending should give you an idea.  And clearly, it attacks humanity with ZERO provocation, so I feel it keeps to the spirit of it.  

I somewhat debated what to do with it, though I did decide to kill it, somewhat in the vein of the original Godzilla, only this thing killed ITSELF in desperation to wipe out its enemies, as its impervious resistance I think would afford it some ability to withstand a fairly narrow weakness.  Really, it was the luck of the draw things worked out that I got something that could really fit the name, especially as where I came up with idea behind its name, which if it wasn't obvious, it is named as such due to its ability to wield time, which when used effectively, as shown at the end, is basically impossible to defeat. The orb it creates looks like a void because, after talking it with some people, that orb is basically a space where time does not move, thus, Light is not moving 
whatsoever.  So light would likely not be visible within there.  Either way, it was a ton of fun, and whilst the extension to the deadline could maybe be used to clean up a few things, I am satisfied with this immensely.  So whatever happens, it was a lot of fun.

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Groudan383's avatar
Oh wow, you participated in that? Cool! :)